Ginger Snapper Cookie 2-Pack
Ginger Snapper Cookie 2-Pack

Ginger Snapper Cookie 2-Pack

Regular price $12.50 $10.00 Unit price per

This is not your average ginger cookie; we use plenty of real ginger to kick it up a notch, and pure blackstrap molasses to hold all the warm spices intact. These will please any true ginger lover. Their low sugar content means you can eat more of them if you want…

AN INGREDIENT LIST TO BE PROUD OF: Organic Spelt Flour, Blackstrap Molasses, Pure Sunflower Oil, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, Ginger, Unrefined Cane Sugar, Cinnamon, Baking Soda, Sea Salt, Spices.
UNE LISTE D’INGREDIENTS QUI NOUS REND FIER: Farine d’épautre biologique, mélasse, huile de tournesol pure, jus de canne biologique évaporé, gingembre, sucre de canne non raffiné, cannelle, bicarbonate de soude, sel de mer, épices